There are numerous warning signs that your transmission is
on the fritz. You may notice an odd, egg smell in your car. You may hear a loud
banging or rattling coming from under your feet or under the hood. Perhaps, obvious of all is the pool of transmission fluid leaking from the bottom of
your car. In any of these cases, getting the jump on repairs can save you
hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. Sometimes a repair is too small for
your transmission but a replacement is out of your budget. There is something
right in between these two extremes to save the day: taking your car to a transmission rebuild shop in Bergen County, NJ.
European Exchange's expert transmission technicians have more than 35 years of transmission rebuild experience and pride themselves on customer satisfaction. No two transmissions are built the same. Well, unless it's
the same vehicle. Anyway, there are all sorts of differences in each vehicle,
but the major difference is between a manual and automatic. These two
transmissions work entirely differently, so it's important to understand your car
and what it needs. This will give you a better idea of what your rebuilt
transmission might entail.
Going to European Exchange for your transmission rebuild prevents many issues from
arising in the future. For starters, you can be sure that we use the right parts and that everything will be inspected and tested before we get you
back on the road. Also, our staff has seen every type of vehicle under the sun
and know what each transmission needs. We also understand why the transmission
failed in the first place, so we can treat the problematic areas and give you
advice on how to prevent such a tragedy from occurring in the future. In total,
we are the transmission rebuild shop in Bergen County, NJ that promises a job well
done from start to finish.
No matter if your vehicle is newly crafted or an antique, if
you have an automatic or manual, or the severity of the damage, European Exchange can assure
you one thing: your transmission will be good as new. We can assure something
else as well: we won't charge you any more than we have to.
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